Where Butterflies Don't Fly (2022)

Where Butterflies Don't Fly (2022)

Country: Czech Republic
Release Year: 2022
Aka: Kam motýli nelétají
Director: Roman Nemec
Writer: Roman Nemec
Language: Czech, English, Spanish
Genre: Adventure, Drama
Runtime: 126 min
Daniel Krejcík, Jirí Vojta
Jakub Krejca, Jaroslav Dusek
Klára Melísková, Martin Mysicka
Imdb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt19860942/
Available on:
Daniel is an odd guy who lives with his endlessly quarrelling parents uncomplaining about his destiny. He keeps a distance from other people, he has no friends, nobody understands him, he is different. He will be turning nineteen and the last thing he would spend his time on is a preparation for his approaching graduation. Adam is his class teacher. He is gay who lives in a relationship with his younger partner David and his strictly guarded secret keeps locked behind a door of their apartment. Daniel and Adam live in their own bubbles until a moment when they both happen to be together in life threat. Lost in the darkness, cut off from the rest of the world, they are both looking for a way out. How far will they be willing to go?

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