Black Stone (2015)

Black Stone (2015)
Country: South Korea, France
Release Year: 2015
Director: Roh Gyeong Tae
Writer: Roh Gyeong Tae
Language: Korean
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 92 min
Cast:Tae Hee Won, Hae Seong Lee
Hyun Joo Baek, Linda Villalobos,
Sukku Son, Doo Bong Kim
Studio:Neon Productions
Teddy Bear Films Company
Available on:
While his parents slave away in an animal food factory in the Guro district of Seoul (once the cradle of the Korean economic wonder), Shon Sun, a half-blood, starts his military service in the army. There, Sun does not far much better – he is raped in his sleep by a superior and finds out he has been infected with HIV. Desperate, he takes revenge, kills the officer and flees the army. In Seoul, it becomes apparent that his father has disappeared. Sun goes looking for him and finds him in his birthplace, on a polluted tropical beach… A pitch-black and pessimistic social fairytale with a cathartic experimental ending.

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