Kill the Monsters (2018)

Kill the Monsters (2018)
Country: USA
Release Year: 2018
Director: Ryan Lonergan
Writer: Ryan Lonergan
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 76 min
Cast:Jack Ball, Ryan Lonergan
Garrett McKechnie, Laura Brocca
Julia Campanelli, Ellen Etten
Studio:Against the Barrel Productions
Breaking Glass Pictures
Available on:
When young, pretty, and charmingly aloof Frankie falls mysteriously ill, his older and wiser partners...overthinking, practical Patrick and impulsive, fiery Sutton, agree that it's time to head west, begin new adventures, and seek holistic treatment. From here, the highs and lows of the triad's journey mirror key points in United States history, from hot sex in their luxurious New York City apartment to a road trip that results in a civil war and possible breakup to an all out (poker) war involving scheming, sophisticated and calculating German and Russian lesbians.

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