The Man I Love (1997) - L'homme que j'aime

The Man I Love (1997)
Country: France
Release Year: 1997
Aka: L'homme que j'aime
Director: Stéphane Giusti
Writer: Stéphane Giusti
Language: French
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport
Runtime: 90 min
Cast:Jean-Michel Portal, Marcial Di Fonzo Bo
Mathilde Seigner, Vittoria Scognamiglio
Studio:Picture This! Entertainment, Onya Film
Jacques Hansen, Stéphane Lévêque
Available on:
This is a combination coming out and first love story. The swimmer and diver Lucard is interested in attractive Martin. The film follows the characters' coming out with all its difficulties, the bitter-sweet pleasures of first love and the dreadful moment when one comes down to reality and realizes that one's beloved friend has a hard way to go yet. The positive message the film tries to transmit is the somewhat common motto "Live each day of your life as if it were your last."

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