Stone Fruit (2020)

Stone Fruit (2020)

Country: USA
Release Year: 2020
Director: Brandon Krajewski
Writer: Brandon Krajewski, Robert Andrew Perez
Language: English
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 91 min
Matt Palazzolo, Rob Warner
Thomas Hobson, Nick Trengove
Michael Sun Lee, Victor Abascal
Frenemy Productions
TLA Releasing
Available on:
Russ and Manny, an interracial couple, have been together for a while. Russ will tell you it’s been seven years. Manny will clarify that they spent two years dating and have been married for five. The two have drifted apart in the marriage and have seemingly come to terms with their decision to divorce at the start of their final trip together. After a wine-fueled threesome with a former friend, the two reignite their passions and animosities toward one another and ultimately reach the conclusion that divorce is the only way to salvage a friendship.

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