The Breeding (2018)

The Breeding (2018)
Country: USA
Release Year: 2018
Director: Daniel Armando
Writer: Dane Harrington Joseph
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Runtime: 90 min
Cast:Marcus Bellamy, Patrick Kuzara
Joe MacDougal, David J. Cork
Dedrick Anthony, Linda Manning
Studio:Novo Novus Productions
Breaking Glass Pictures
Available on:
From the producers of BWOY, THE BREEDING is an erotic thriller about a young artist whose obsession with a taboo fetish leads to life-altering consequences. The story centers on discontented, sex-positive queer cartoonist Thomas, whose artistic inspiration comes from erotic escapades that are unbeknownst to his loving boyfriend, Amadi. A chance restroom encounter with a recently divorced financier named Lee leaves Thomas curious about exploring the taboo fetish of “race play.” But when the game gets too real, chilling actions are taken that will forever change the trajectory of these men’s lives.

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