A Four Letter Word (2007)

A Four Letter Word (2007)
Country: USA
Release Year: 2007
Director: Casper Andreas
Writer: Casper Andreas, Jesse Archer
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 83 min
Cast:Charlie David, Cory Grant
Jesse Archer, JR Rolley
Virginia Bryan, Steven M. Goldsmith
Studio:Embrem Entertainment
TLA Releasing
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0835034/
Available on:
Six people in New York are adrift. Zeke and Luke work in a sex shop: Zeke takes gay liberation seriously, Luke likes to sparkle and takes nothing seriously. He's offended when Stephen calls him a gay cliché, then, surprisingly, they find each other attractive and interesting. Stephen, it turns out, has a great apartment, trust fund, and artwork he's painted on his walls. Meanwhile, Peter, a neat-freak, and Derek, nice to everyone, move in together. Peter's compulsiveness threatens the relationship. Last, newly-engaged Marilyn, a recovering alcoholic stuck at step 2, can't stop obsessing about wedding details. Can these folks sort out civilization and its discontents?

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