You're Killing Me (2015)

You're Killing Me (2015)
Country: USA
Release Year: 2015
Director: Jim Hansen
Writer: Jim Hansen, Jeffery Self
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Romance
Runtime: 89 min
Cast:Matthew McKelligon, Jeffery Self
Bryan Safi,Edi Patterson
Drew Droege, Jack Plotnick
Rachel Shukert, Matthew Wilkas
Studio:The Orphans, Wolfe
Available on:
Joe just told his boyfriend, George, that he is a serial killer. George thinks that his boyfriend, Joe, is hilarious... and he just saw Patricia Arquette at Target!!! In the horror/comedy hybrid, 'You're Killing Me', we take a look at the life and death consequences of dating in the age of incessant chatter. Joe and George meet just as Joe is coming out to himself as someone who loves to kill. George, on the other hand, can't decide which wig to wear for his next YouTube video. As George's friends start disappearing, one by one, he must face the undeniable fact that Gretchen might not be coming back with crushed ice for his party.

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